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Healthy Michigan

Governor Rick Snyder has asked for help to improve the health of Michigan.  He spoke recently at St. Mary Mercy Hospital in Livonia about Medicaid expansion, explaining how important the issue is for people in our state.  His talk was attended by local EPMG leadership as well as many of our partners at Trinity Health.  He asked for help to urge state senators to pass this important legislation by doing the following: 

1. Sign the petition for a healthier Michigan.  Go to Healthy Michigan Now to sign an online petition urging the Michigan Senate to return to Lansing and vote for the plan that will improve healthcare and reduce costs for our state.

2. Contact your Senator.  Take one minute to visit the MSMS website at for more information and to urge a "yes" vote on this critical legislation.

3. Invite five friends, family members and/or others to join the support.  You can contact people directly or share the link on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.

Expanding coverage to about 450,000 working adults in Michigan, while reducing the financial burden that uncompensated care places on hospitals, businesses, the state budget, and taxpayers, is critical for the health of our state. 

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